Last Minute Deals & Bids

Exclusive Last-Minute Vacation Rental Deals in Scottsdale

Still can’t find the perfect vacation home or deal?

Submit a last minute bid on your Arizona Vacation:

iTrip Scottsdale direct booking always has the best pricing for exclusive Scottsdale and surrounding areas vacation rentals. However, with Last Minute Bids, you have the opportunity to place your offer on any of our available vacation rental properties to see if you can save even more! By placing your last minute bid with iTrip Scottsdale no more than 30 days prior to your arrival, you may receive incredible savings on your next visit to The Valley of the Sun. Please read our bidding policies below and then place your bid and get the best last minute Arizona vacation rental deal!


Please check out our availability calendar to see if the property you desire is available for your vacation dates.

To place your bid, please completely fill out the form below.

iTrip Scottsdale will accept your bid or place a counter offer as soon as possible. Please note that our office is closed on Sunday.

Once your bid is accepted, you will receive a confirmation to review and sign in order to confirm the reservation.


Although you have the right to place any bid on any available vacation rental, please refer to the normal advertised rates before placing your bid. Please note that standard cleaning fees, and sales tax will be added to your accepted bid. You will be able to review the final amount prior to acceptance. All accepted bids must be paid in full within 24 hours of acceptance and are non-refundable per our cancellation policy.

You are now ready to place your bid. Good luck!!

Make your bid!

Request your personalized revenue forecast to see what you can earn.

Questions? Let's talk.

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(888) 456-8234

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Dream Vacation Rentals, LLC
18209 W North Ct.
Waddell, AZ

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